In the Atlanta metropolitan area, the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia provides convenient testing services by appointment for infants, children, athletes, and adults. There’s seldom a wait and technicians will have you in and out in no time.
The Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia also conducts testing at health fairs, special events, at community partner facilities, and in public school districts throughout Georgia. For a list of upcoming testing dates, visit the website calendar. Counseling and education programs are offered throughout the State of Georgia, as well.
Testing and lab work is conducted at the Sickle Cell Laboratory, near Cascade Road and Benjamin E. Mays Dr. in Southwest Atlanta. Requests for group testing and health fairs off-site can be submitted online. Some tests are conducted aboard the Mobile Health Hub. The MARTA bus stop is a short walk away. Free parking is available.

Who Should Be Tested?
All couples considering a family are advised to be tested for sickle cell and other abnormal hemoglobins. Speak to a counselor at the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia for more information.
If your child was born in the State of Georgia, the sickle cell test was likely administered at birth. If your child was born outside the State of Georgia, you should have the family tested as soon as possible. All parents, not just African Americans, should be concerned and tested for sickle cell.

Does the Test Cost?
A fee is due at the time of your visit. The fee helps cover the cost of testing and laboratory expenses.
The sickle cell test consists of three major parts — Education, Blood Collection, and Laboratory Services. Medical insurance typically covers fees, or Medicaid. The Foundation accepts medical insurance plans, Medicaid and private pay.
- Sickle Cell test is $100.00/person.
Follow-up testing may be required at an additional fee.
Due to increased costs of medical supplies, the Foundation can no longer offer free testing. If you cannot pay for services, please speak with a billing representative (prior to your appointment) to establish a payment plan.
*Fees are subject to change without notice to this website. Confirm fees prior to receiving services. The Foundation staff will have the most current fee schedule.
How Does the Test Work?
Sickle cell testing is easy and confidential. HIPAA guidelines for client privacy are respected and followed. A blood sample is taken and sent to the laboratory for processing. As a non-profit laboratory, the Foundation can offer discounted laboratory fees. Clients are usually notified in writing of the test results, usually within three weeks. Payment must be received before laboratory processing.
Current Official Photo ID (such as Driver’s License, Official ID, or Work ID)
Test Fee $100.00
Consent Form with Parental Authorization (for minors under 18) Click Here to Download Authorization Form.
Sickle cell testing is by appointment in our CLIA certified Clinical Laboratory. Monday through Friday 10 am to 3 pm. Please call Ezekiel Akintayo 404-755-1641, Ext. 231 to schedule your appointment or schedule your appointment form below.

Would You Like A Copy Of Your Newborn Screening Result?
It is now MANDATORY for ALL athletes at a collegiate level to provide a Sickle Cell test result in order to play sports.
Born in the state of Georgia going back to 2000
MUST give mom's First and Last name at the time of birth
Provide us with your date of birth
Pay a $20 processing fee